Production Blog: Our First Day Filming!
Hi Blog!
Welcome back! After waiting and anticipating this day, it has finally come! Today I will talk to you about our first day of filming. When we first arrived we all thought it best to start setting up immediately. This is because we realized we might have limited time to film and we needed to figure out how long it was going to take based on possible mistakes and reshoots we would need to make. To begin our filming we debated who's camera we were going to film off of. We could've filmed off mine however I knew my storage wouldn't be able to handle it. We wanted to keep the same phone to film as we wanted the quality to be the same throughout our film. Due to this, we ended up picking the person's phone with the best camera quality and the most storage. Later we ended up having to switch phones as the phone had died. Before we began filming we also needed to quickly rehearse how the shots were going to be taken and what angles we thought would be best to use. We had everyone input their ideas of each shot and angle. During this period of collaboration, a few debates were formed. While some wanted a certain people wanted a high angle, another person wanted a different angle. These debates lasted slightly longer than anticipated. To ease the tension we decided to figure out a way to collaborate both ideas into one. About 20 minutes before we began filming we had to go over our spots and act out our lines before filming. Our first filming location was in a gas station, so it was a little bit embarrassing to be out in public filming each other. I found the rehearsal helped me a lot when it came to decreasing stress about if I would be in the right or wrong spot. I felt like a lot of pressure was on all of us because we all thought that if we messed up the other person would get angry or frustrated. However, in all of the parts of the filming, not one person became upset. During filming, I messed up my lines a little bit of times as I was unhappy with how I was delivering them. In some scenes, people began laughing after awkward eye contact with the other actress and we had to refilm that scene. After a couple of bumps in the road, we got the hang of it and it felt like we were true actresses. We didn't finish all of the scenes we wanted to so we had to go back for day 2! See you later!
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