Production Blog: Getting the Group Together

 Hi Blog! 

Today I'm going to talk to you about the process of starting to film our final task project! First, our group had to decide a good time to film the project. This proved to be a lot more difficult than we imagined. We struggled to find a good time for each of up to meet up and to find the location of our meetups. We were all too busy with sports, debate, after school clubs, or homework to meet during the week. Due to this dilemma we had to discuss a good time to meet during the weekends. This also proved to be slightly difficult as we all were busy during the weekends with pre-existing plans with our families or friends. Another issue we faced was trying to figure out where we should meet up to film. All of the members of our group live far away from each other. We thought we should meet in the middle at someone's house who is the closest to all of us. However, her house wasn't necessarily that close. Next, we had to find a good time to film, we could film at around noon, however we would have to do it on a day with more sun then rain. With just our luck we got hit with multiple cold and rainy days that hindered our ability to film our scenes outside. We would constantly text in our group chat asking when a good time to film could be and it seemed as though our schedules always clashed with each other. Finally, we all made sure to cancel our plans and avoid making any plans. We also had to make sure the weather was good to film. We were able to pick a time during a three day weekend to film. This ensured we weren't constricted by the amount of time we had to film as we had three days instead of two. This new plan didn't rush us, which is exactly what we're looking for. That's all for today, I'm so excited now that this filming process has begun!


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